January 22, 2018

The beginning of the new year is a chance for small businesses to reflect on the previous year’s achievements and areas which need improvement. The time to make new habits and set new goals for your business is now!

May 11, 2017

Do you want to get ahead in life financially? Do you have your own goals and are working towards them? If you don’t or if you’re not sure if your goals are the best for you, or if you are struggling to reach your goals, it may be time to evaluate some things around yourRead More »

October 15, 2016

Tom Betts, PPSR Asset Protection You think your business, its assets and loan accounts are as safe as they can be? Think again. More than 85 percent of small businesses have not used the federal government’s PPSR (Personal Property Security Register) since it was introduced in 2012 and many businesses have never even heard ofRead More »

October 11, 2016

Paulette McCormack Fresh HR Insights If you can prove that a redundancy is genuine, you will have access to the genuine redundancy exemption. Definition: Genuine Redundancy Exemption The genuine redundancy exemption is when employers are exempt from unfair dismissal laws because the dismissal was a genuine redundancy. Under the FW Act, a genuine redundancy willRead More »

August 18, 2016

With the close of the 2015/16 Financial Year and the Coalition forming government for another term, we thought it an ideal time to take a look at what the recent budget means for small business and individuals. Key changes for individuals The second-highest marginal tax bracket threshold has been increased from $80,001 to $87,001 toRead More »

August 7, 2016

Many business owners have the idea that organisational charts and structures are for big businesses. After all, small businesses know who’s in the organisation – where’s the need for a formal structure? But setting up an organisational chart doesn’t just designate who works there; it also gives everyone a basic understanding of each person’s role,Read More »