September 30, 2021

Do you want to understand more about PAYGI and PAYGW? If you’re new to business or going to employ people, you’ll need to withhold income tax payments for employees and plan for income tax payments for your business. Book a tax planning session today.

August 3, 2021

What lockdown support is available to individuals across New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria?

December 5, 2016

For small businesses, other than the retail and tourism sectors, Christmas can really test the cash flow. Not only because we’re constantly spending on presents, food, festivities and holidays, but also because work slows down for a lot of industries round mid December and doesn’t start to pick up until February/March the following year. IsRead More »

December 1, 2016

In general, no! You can’t use expenses from entertainment as an income tax deduction. There are some exceptions, mostly around food expenses for meal allowances and incidentals relating to business travel and overtime etc., but otherwise entertainment, even specifically for business purposes, is not deductible unless you decide to classify the expense as a fringe benefit. ‘Entertainment’ accordingRead More »