July 20, 2016

Many business owners have the idea that organisational charts and structures are for big businesses. After all, small businesses know who’s in the organisation – where’s the need for a formal structure? But setting up an organisational chart doesn’t just designate who works there; it also gives everyone a basic understanding of each person’s role,Read More »

July 15, 2016

If you’re an employer, you should be aware that your business must pay 9.5% on top of each employee’s wage into their superannuation fund. This must be paid at least quarterly – and this quarter’s super payments are now due. Why super payments must be made regularly The rules around mandatory employer superannuation contributions haveRead More »

June 15, 2016

1. Early penning of goals, mission, vision and objectives The best CEOs I know often sit very early with a pen and paper and write the fundamental goals and objectives that they expect to get from their business.  They’ll go so far as writing a very simple profit and loss, which will act as theRead More »

March 2, 2016

When it comes to understanding how your business is performing and how it might perform in the future, the most important tools at your disposal are the numbers coming out of your accounting software. Historically speaking though, getting the right numbers into your accounting software so you could output accurate reports was a painful process: enter allRead More »